
How Do You Clean Pavement?

If you have pavement, it is important for you to take proper care of it. This means that you need to clean it regularly. Do not forget that you should also reach out to a professional who can clean your pavement from time to time.

That way, you put your pavement in the best position possible to last as long as possible. At Bennett Paving, it would be our pleasure to help you take care of your pavement, but learn more about what you can do to properly clean your pavement below.

Remove the Debris

When you go to clean your pavement, the first thing you need to do is to remove any and all debris that might be present. If you have branches and leaves on your pavement, make sure you get rid of them. If you notice gravel on your pavement, you need to get rid of them as well.

You might be able to use a broom to clean certain patches of your pavement, but you might also want to use a blower if you want this to go more efficiently. You need to remove this debris quickly because heavy objects, such as cars, can bury this debris into your pavement, leading to cracks.

Wash It With an Asphalt-Safe Solution

Next, you should wash your asphalt with an asphalt safe solution from time to time. In general, you should clean it about once per month. Even though you think your asphalt is durable, not every solution is safe for your asphalt.

Take a look at the container and make sure it has been made specifically for pavement. You want to use a cleaning solution that can get rid of dirt, chemicals, and grease. If you need recommendations for cleaners you can use, reach out to us.

Apply Sealant Regularly

Finally, you also need to apply sealant regularly. Even though this may not sound like a part of cleaning your asphalt, it is a very important part of making sure liquid does not damage your asphalt. If you do not apply sealant to your payment regularly, you leave it vulnerable to liquid.

This could cause cracks and potholes to form. To prevent this from happening, try to seal your pavement about once per year. At Bennett Paving, it would be our pleasure to swing by your property and seal your pavement for you.

Call Bennett Paving To Learn More

Ultimately, these are just a few of the most important points you should keep in mind regarding your payment. It is important for you to clean your pavement regularly if you want it to last as long as possible.

At Bennett Paving, we have an unparalleled level of experience working with all different types of pavement, and it would be our pleasure to assist you as well. If you have any questions about your pavement, reach out to us to make an appointment with our team.